13 March 2009


The movers have come and gone. The doggies were pretty good out back, but a bit whiny once we kenneled them up in the laundry room while the movers were here. Kaiser is starting to not bark at all the neighboring dogs, and joggers, and cars going by, and well... everything. Finally caught him just sitting down earlier:

We had the internet hooked up, and we've got SPEED!!!! I'm still stuck on Iraqi satellite speed in my head, so this stuff is blowing my mind.

As a comparison, the best I ever saw in country was 1024Kbps download and 96Kbps upload... and that was at 4am when no-one else was on our system at O'Ryan. Average was more like 256Kb down/64Kb up. When we moved south and we switched to Sniperhill net I didn't even bother testing. It was better than dialup, but my wireless hookup through my t-mobile phone before deploying was faster. Of course the house is still in boxes, which means I'm posting from here in my de-facto office on the kitchen counter. Hopefully we can make a good sized dent tomorrow and Sunday.

In completely disparate news, I managed to score my post-deployment 'self-reward gun' today. I had my name down on the list at the local eeevil gunshop (Trail Boss Outfitters, the staff of which I cannot speak highly enough of) for whichever came in first, a Ruger LCP or a Kel-Tec P3AT, (the design Ruger copied to create the LCP). I wanted the Ruger more, but given the scarcity of both types, I figured I would settle for whichever came in first. I expected it to be a couple of weeks until I could get my hands on either, which turned out to be a bad assumption. A little under a week after putting my name on the list, I got a call that there was one of each available, to which I responded, "I'll be there in a couple of minutes". We were already out in town, so next stop became the gun shop. About 10 minutes later I walked out with my new deep-conceal gun, an extra mag, and the belt-clip 'holster' installed on the right side of the frame. Having an AZ concealed carry permit does help speed things along, since it counts for my background check here, as I had to take a class, submit fingerprints, and pass a more thorough background check to get it than the '4478 phone-call' check anyway. So without further ado, here she is, sitting on top of a 3 1/2" floppy for perspective


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