25 December 2008

Merry Christmas from The Suck

Strangest Christmas yet, however we're making the best of it. The DFAC staff are always very good about celebrating holidays and trying to get everyone in the holiday spirit, and the command groups from the units on base did a good job with the serving line, which is always nice.

The guy checking IDs was on the lookout for Ho, Ho, Ho...

A certain North Pole resident was sighted, in the need of some people fuel:

Reindeer parking was apparently allowed inside the building:

They had a couple of manger scene decorations out:

Later, after the sun went down, I stopped by Camp Dracula (the Romanian section of the FOB) and got a shot of their Christmas tree lights:

Since my mom sent me some Connectrix to occupy my free time, I felt inspired by the season:

Daly and Stangle were also in the holiday spirit:

All in all, a most surreal Christmas experience. Glad to have a couple of friends here to eat Christmas dinner with, and really weirded out by the weather, but still missed being around family. All I can really say at this point is blatant theft from Dickens' tiniest character. "God bless us, every one."


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