15 January 2008

So I alluded to these below, and here they are: A couple of motorcycle related pics I shot over the break. First was a tractor-trailer with only 1 thing tied down on the flatbed, A full dresser Harley. Talk about overkill.

Second, we have a sign I saw on the roadside along US 58 west of Damascus, VA. (see route here) I instantly thought of one of my riding buds from down in Georgia, and of course had to stop and take a picture.

The last is the reason I didn't go riding over the holidays. Because I'm a dumbass. 50 and sunny on New Year's Eve, then when I woke up on New Year's day, it was pretty cold out. I started cleaning the garage, which required moving the bikes outside. I closed the garage door while I was cleaning and was met with this sight when I opened the door to move the bikes back inside. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the upcoming 4-day weekend...


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