11 November 2007

Don't buy this camera...

I did all my research. I compared sample images. I pored over review after review after review. I compared it to all it's competition, and thought I had found exactly what I was looking for. The SD850 IS (which stands for Image Stabilization! ooh!). And I had... except...

Dear Canon,

Why would you produce a wonderful camera, with a huge LCD backpanel AND a viewfinder should the sun be too bright to use the LCD? With a 4x optical zoom and a relatively noise-free images all the way up to ISO 1600? Why would you do all this so as to make me buy the camera, and not include a latch on the battery door????


Jim Markham
A pissed off customer

Seriously though, I spent almost a month doing my homework on this. I was looking at an Olympus that is supposed to be pretty much 'everything-proof', but after seeing multiple sample images that had excessive lack of focus away from the center of the frame for both near-field and telephoto, I went back to the drawing board. I found glowing reviews about the SD850, and only 1 negative comment about the battery door which was, and I quote: "Battery/SD Card Door can slide out and pop open easily." Can pop open easily? Try this on for size as a better statement of the above: "You may find it difficult to handle the camera, i.e. take the camera out of a camera case, without 'inadvertently' opening the over-sprung, under-latched battery /SD card door." Complete showstopper. Every other Canon camera I've used, and as a matter of completeness, EVERY camera I've operated in say the last 10 years, has either a two stage latch, or a very tightly fitted slide latch. Either push a button/switch/slider one direction then pull the battery door in a perpendicular direction to open it, Or hold the camera tightly and press on the battery door while sliding it to open it.

Exhibit A: Video of the battery-door in operation

Why is this bad? Here's why: I bought the camera to go to Iraq with me. Its intended use is to be a camera I carry everywhere, shoot lots of photos with, and generally abuse for the 12+ months I'm going to be there. This sort of function is unacceptable for a point and shoot camera I'd throw in my pocket here in the States, but for something I'm planning to use under conditions inconceivable here it is a showstopper. I'm not going to be all melodramatic and say it could get me killed, but I will say it would definetly make me miss some shots I'll never again in my lifetime have an opportunity to take. Fumbling for the battery door in the dark, in a Humvee, with gloves on... you get the picture. Or not.

Back to BestBuy with this one, and back to the drawing board...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.

October 27, 2008 at 1:33 PM  

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