27 June 2008

Belaying the delay...

Ok, so normally I post stuff with about a week and a half delay, which is understandable, for OPSEC reasons. Any near-term follow-ons are protected because I'm not saying anything. I'm also leaving out where exactly we are on any given day, and more importantly who we work with in order to protect them. All that said, I'm sitting today to hammer out both today's post, and the post I'll let go live on Friday, right before I go on leave.

I won't have any pictures of my own from here while I'm back in the states, unless someone here sees fit to email some to me (hint, hint). Instead, I'll probably post pictures of the lovely Green Mountains of Vermont as a bit of an interlude. So what have I got today, you ask? Damn antennas.


I tried to take some overlapping shots so I could photochop them together. For some reason I can never seem to get this to work. I went so far as to carefully hold the camera above the turret edge, and rotate only my wrist as I took this series... But to no avail. Apparently just the repositioning of the camera lens by centimeters moved the near and far field far enough relative to each other that stitching becomes impossible.

WTF is he talking about?

Note orientation of the car at the fuel pump furthest to the right in relation to the large green antenna:

Basically this means I can only pull off this stitching technique without stuff being predominant in the near field. Pretty aggravating with all the antennas hanging off our trucks.

Anyway, there was some other interesting stuff going on as we hung out in the market while the dismounts did their thing. You could smell the watermelon cooking as it sat out in the sun. I got a combination of that smell and the pumpkin like gourd on the left hand end of the picture. Best I can describe it is like a butter-squash, but that's not quite right. Well that's enough for now.

Next week we'll be revisiting this market, with more gas-station strangeness, along with some gratuitous thermometer and Ma-Deuce photos.



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