19 January 2008

6.5 miles at 16 degrees

16 is kinda cold. It's really cold at 55 mph on a bike. It's even colder if you were stupid and left your best cold-weather riding gloves in Kansas and the impromptu liners you put inside your winter gloves are restricting blood flow to your hands...

Note to self: Circulation good. No circulation bad.

Home on a 4-day pass for MLK weekend, I pretty much had to get out and ride, no matter how cold it is. There's no snow on the ground, and the roads are clear. After securing a new helmet (see 'Fair Notice' post to see why I needed said new helmet) up at Competition Accessories yesterday, I headed out for a roll around the block today. The new helmet rocked, and the rest of my gear, having already been tested during winter commutes in DC, did very well with the notable exception of my makeshift cold weather gloves. I think if I use the same gloves with some latex surgical gloves as inserts tomorrow, I'll do better.

The getup:

Long sleeve t-shirt, Joe Rocket fleece liner, winter leather jacket, jeans, snow pants, leg armor, Sidi Boots, scarf, Cabela's Kangaroo skin gloves (with too-thick liners). ATGATT for sure!

The new lid:

Note the integrated tinted shield. It just works. Very fighter pilot. In addition to the breath shield and visor, it has a chin fairing underneath that works pretty well. A little too much ventilation for winter riding, but such is life. Probably would have been better had I brought my neck gaiter back with me.

15 January 2008

So I alluded to these below, and here they are: A couple of motorcycle related pics I shot over the break. First was a tractor-trailer with only 1 thing tied down on the flatbed, A full dresser Harley. Talk about overkill.

Second, we have a sign I saw on the roadside along US 58 west of Damascus, VA. (see route here) I instantly thought of one of my riding buds from down in Georgia, and of course had to stop and take a picture.

The last is the reason I didn't go riding over the holidays. Because I'm a dumbass. 50 and sunny on New Year's Eve, then when I woke up on New Year's day, it was pretty cold out. I started cleaning the garage, which required moving the bikes outside. I closed the garage door while I was cleaning and was met with this sight when I opened the door to move the bikes back inside. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the upcoming 4-day weekend...

14 January 2008

Christmas Break

Aaahhh.... A reprieve. 16 consecutive days of leave for Christmas this year. Went back home to Dayton er... Xenia, then on to Kentucky, North Carolina, back to Kentucky, then back to OH before coming back out to Hell, Kansas. Was really happy to be able to grow 16 days worth of beard too:

Mom and Dad's pecan tree didn't do so well this year given the drought, but there were still a couple of 5-gallon buckets available for pecan divvying this year:

In the guns & ammo department, when I got back to Xenia, Walmart still had 50ct boxes of Blazer Brass for $11.97, so I bought every box they had. Combined with what I had in the locker at the house, it added up to just over 1200 rounds. I gave up on stacking the boxes in the ammo cans, and just dumped the rounds in. I kept my box of hollowpoints separate, but this is a pretty sight:

Bike Pictures in a post above...