30 November 2008

On the road again..

Just a note to let you all know we're moving. I'm typing this from my CHU at the new FOB, but we've still got to get settled and receive shipment of our conex and vehicles... more to follow as I get pictures to explain it.

13 November 2008

Indomitable Beauty

I can't even begin to describe this experience. I'll try, but words really suck at relating the awe. Being here and attached to an IA unit affords us access to some very unique experiences. As all the U.S. forces in the country know, any and every mosque is strictly verboten. For us, this is indeed true. However, for my IA counterpart, there is no such restriction. One day, while out on patrol south of the town to our west, we came upon a mosque. As is usually the story, some extremely famous muslim personae is buried there, though the method of construction and the dates the locals give generally don't match up, even within a couple of centuries. That said, there is still a level of beauty associated with holy structures which surpasses most of the rest of the world's architecture. This particular mosque had been victim to an inter-sect bombing, Some extremists from one side not being able to accept even the existence of holy places belonging to the other side, and all that. Even though mostly destroyed, this building evoked a sense of presence which I will quit trying to describe, and simply show you.

That picture was shot about 10 feet outside what would have been the eastern wall of the compound. It was being reconstructed, but was only about 3 bricks high, so I had a full view into the grounds. As a matter of perspective, the building was a bit over 50 feet high, which is much, much taller than all the other structures in the area. Not pictured was the shed-like structure inside the compound to my right, which contained among other things, a generator and PA system for the calls to prayer. We were there just before noon, and my counterpart took the opportunity to engage the locals, and to pray at the mosque after reading the inscription on the monument in the center of the building. You will note in the picture below, that you can see his boots staged at the edge of the building. Unseen however is his pistol, which he had passed to his bodyguard (at right).

We can't have this kind of interaction with the people. Only their own security forces can. That this happened means that there is most definitely a base of security in the area, and that our guys 'get it'.