17 September 2008

Mid-tour video

We've passed the halfway point in our deployment, so I thought I'd throw together another video with snapshots of what we've done and how things have progressed. It took a little extra work because I'm not fully up to speed on my new editing software, but things are coming along and I'm able to output reasonably sized files now. The two links below are for you folks at home, if the guys here want a copy I can provide it via thumbdrive because we'd kill our connection bandwidth if everybody downloaded these individually. The larger file is a windows movie and is appx 36mb, while the smaller one is a mpg file which uses the Divx codec for compression. If you don't have the Divx codec, you'll have to go out and download it, but if you're in the states you probably don't have to worry about bandwidth like we do so just grab the big vid.

1280x720 High-Def Video (36mb)

320x240 Web sized Video (6mb)

Of note, the first tower shown (with the barbed wire in front) and the last image are the same tower, 6 months apart. The second to last image is from that same checkpoint. Yeah, by US standards things still suck out there, but they've come a long way.


16 September 2008

Events that never occurred

In the world of internet forums, there is an acronym used when someone posts about anything they have recently acquired without the requisite pictures thereof. TTIWOP: This thread is worthless without pics. Well, allow me if you will to suspend reality for a single post here, because unless one of the other Raiders has pictures they're Bogarting on me, I am going to have to write up this post without any. And thus, since I have no photographic evidence, these events never occured. Which is probably good for the guys I'm going to give a good ribbing...

A few weeks ago, we got the call from our local FOB owners that they needed assistance. All of their platoons were either out, or currently pulling FOB security, and they needed us to escort the wrecker from maintenance to go pull out an armored truck that had gotten stuck off the side of the road. Apparently, the unit had been leaving a meeting in a nearby town, and noticed somebody up to nefarious excrement on the side of the road. Their two HMMWVs gave chase, and the armored truck driver didn't listen when they told that truck to stay put on the hardball... Well now they were a couple hundred meters off the road, stuck in what had appeared to be a dual-track packed driving path. Iraqi mud is a bitch. There's a 4-5 inch crust of 'dried earth' on the top, and underneath it's all overly soft dirt. The ground pressure on some of our trucks exceeds that of a WWII light tank, so if you're not paying attention, (or if you've got a driver inexperienced in heavy offroading), you can get stuck post haste.

Well we were on it. In less than 15 minutes, we were on the trucks, had our comms up, had the guns mounted and were ready to roll. [foot tapping...] And waiting on the wrecker. When they finally got there, we headed out. There was a small hardball path out past some buildings on what used to be part of the IA ammo base our FOB is carved out of, so we positioned our truck as close as we could w/o getting off the paved surface. We had 2 HMMWVs that day, so they went on in and helped position the wrecker. Which promptly got stuck. Ummm, what now? Raider wrecking crew to the rescue! With help from MSG Jones as a spotter, I got my driver positioned around behind where the first truck was stuck, and then we used our readily prepped tow-strap setup to pull them out. We'd pull some, then the wrecker would lift the front left corner of their truck, then we'd pull a little more, until they got enough purchase to get themselves out. Then again with some great ground guidance, we drove around the side of where the first truck was now sitting to hook up to the wrecker. Having 3 tow-straps to run two off our truck and loop one onto their tow points was a big help, because otherwise we'd have had to drive up to right next to the freshly chewed earth.

Now how to get back to the road... Back exactly the way we came, dammit! About halfway back I noticed a section of the dirt path that we had chewed a little bit on the way in, and I told SFC Scheidt (my driver) "I don't give a damn, keep your foot planted!". We powered through and didn't get bogged on our way out. Team Raider saves the day. Pays to be prepared.

But unless Daly (who is on leave) has pictures, these events never happened. I normally have a quick trigger finger on the camera, but was WAY too occupied trying to keep us from getting stuck by keeping a good lookout from the turret and directing the driver to even think about shooting photos.

In other news: I have the mid-tour video done. I'll hang both the high and low bandwidth vids out tonight after our daytime bandwidth restriction relaxes, and put links rather than trying to embed the video, which was ok for my dragstrip run, but won't do the 1280x720 HD high-res version any justice. The large version is about 36mb, and the 320x240 low-res version is about 6mb. Oh, and you'll all be able to see what I'm talking about with the tow-strap arrangement in the video, as well as where we self-recovered one of our trucks that got mired in a dirt road out on an operation a couple of months back. More to follow...

14 September 2008

Bipolarity strikes again

I've said since I got here that this assignment is completely bipolar, manic-depressive, or some other metaphor which juxtaposes completely opposite moods, events, emotions, and everything else. To add fuel to that fire, here's a picture from in front of my CHU this morning as I'm waking up. Note the dis-similarity to the picture in the post immediately below.

Quick notes: I am in the process of assembling a mid-tour(ish) video of our life and progress here. I've got music picked out and most of the pictures assembled, now it's just a matter of ordering, timing, and titles. No small feat, but much easier now with Premiere Pro instead of Windows Movie Maker. I'll have a tiny version hung out on the web when I get it done, and will have a DVD quality one for folks to take home w/ them at the end of the rotation. Also, it's gotten bad enough that I'm writing down topics I still need to blog on, but have gotten sidetracked. I'll probably hit a couple of those up in the near future so I can knock them off my list. It is easier since I can see what topics have jumped in my head, so they can brew up a full post worth of material before they get dumped on the intarwebz.


09 September 2008

... keep falling on my head.

On my way back from lunch today: real, honest-to-God rain. Say it ain't so. Like the last post, things happen which justify announcement to the world without the usual delay. Oh, and the high was only 104 today, so apparently someone turned the heater down off of 'hell'. I've got two paragraphs for my next post already typed, and whenever I can get back around to it, regularly scheduled posting will resume. I wrote those last Friday, but as it is wont to do here, events overcame me.

05 September 2008

Mice Elf

For the guys on the team who won't get this, sorry.

I'm off to breakfast. Following which, I will be headed back to the CHU, 'cause it's a wreck, and I'm feeling a little Sly...