17 October 2007

Screwed again.

So the pinheads at HRC, in their infinite idiocy, decided it would be a good idea to set me up with a MiTT (Military Transition Team) training slot in Class #37. Fortunately, I was already here at Ft. Riley, Kansas having left the MI Captain's Career Course early so I could make it on time for my report date which matched up with Class #34. Which means I already burned my leave, got my wife settled, hightailed it to Kansas and signed in... only to be STUCK here for the next 5 1/2 weeks until my 'new' class starts. Bastards.

14 October 2007

Once more into the breech...

So my little sister beat me into the world of blogging, even though I have had my own domain and website for a number of years now. I tried a couple of different blog setups offered by my webspace provider, and although their hosting and domain services rock (godaddy.com), the site development tools leave a LOT to be desired. That or I just never figured out how to work them correctly.

Anywho, this post is just kind of a test to see if the blogger.com engine will successfully write to my webspace.

Edit: Looks like I got all the settings right! Now to just get another HTML editor so I can update the stuff on the rest of my site...